Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Results for May 16  

The powers that be cursed us again with wild wind, rain 
and Brian Whitehead who couldn't add past ten 
without taking his shoes and socks off! 
No wonder he has his picture in every Post Office!

Needless to say Dave is home now trying to make sense 
of the "Whitehead/Blockhead" scorecard that was submitted today 
to "Win" the dang big money!

Oh well your friendly and ever ready reporter/scribe has managed 
to find a picture worthy of Whitehead's blockheadishness!
Whitehead only plays to win! By whatever means!

Well now you should know who had to play with him! They were assigned first place but a recount is underway as we speak and they have all disassociated themselves from any responsibility but were happily seen off shopping at the local jewellery stores!
 I happily removed the top half of Brian's head to signify his loss of mental acuity - however Marilyn, (sporting a new ring we notice), Lorraine and Barry had to drag themselves around the course in Whitehead's company! Poor poor people!

Now on to the more responsible cheaters and eraser ready players on the course today in Second Spot was the team of:
Steve, Don, Dave and Paul. They apparently had a great round 
and were quite smug in their placing!

As you can see they were outstanding in the field today!

In Third Spot was that charming group of delinquents: Dave, Ley and Pat.
 Thanks for organizing this but do something about the weather?

They counted the money - awarded the prizes despite Whitehead 
and Pat got her orange tee back 
- has only had it for three whole years apparently 
and sent Dave back two miles to try and get the dang thing!

Apparently this is how Pat ends up when she doesn't use her orange tee? Shameful huh?

Now tied for fourth were the two very fine teams of:

Jim Dandy, Heather Sparrow, Ron (ain't I cute?) Heywood
 and Mark (Did anyone figure out how to score this dang thing?) Nadler.
They played a fine game on the course today!
Got to love their style and panache!

Tide with them was the almost awesome team of 
Angus (Did you C that **** go left, right, down, up sideways, there partner?) Gouthro,  
Bruce (Yes I am quite charming actually!) White,
 Jerry (Man when I shank, I shank it all the way!) Campbell
 and Ken ( Putt putt putt putt!) Robertson

They had an awesome day despite their inadequacies!
Though truth be known this is how most of their day was spent!

Now to the great unwashed who marched amongst us today!

Dwight, Erwin, Maurice, and Peter Hasbon were off and around the course today!
As you can see one of them might be a golfer!

Also on the course today was this dynamic group!
Karen, Richard Zorn, Don Ingraham, and Myles Hanke!

They had fun - wouldn't you?
Hey we all have our delusions!

Also bam bamming their way around the course to no avail today was this fine group!
Linc Cadogan, Madeline Robertson and Bev McIntosh had a great time!
Too bad it wasn't on the course!
Well I guess!

Then this group of whiz bangs showed up and ripped the course apart!

Ted Wiggins, Jorgen Sveistrup, Ron Watson and John Campbell were out and about!
To no avail apparently!

As you can see they were looking around for action that wasn't there!

Finally to bring this sorry lot to an end was this group of hangers-on!
Vic Feere, Terry Haines, Laurel Gouthro and John French 
were up and down but to no avail apparently!
As you can see Laurel had a tough job holding up this entire team!

We had 38 out today!

Token of the week was won by Heather Stork! Go hit the ball Heather!

Draw winners this week were:

Richard Zorn won the $50 gift certificate from Payne Less Auto Detailing!

Eaglewood Restaurant Entree winners this week were:

Bev McIntosh ( I take back all those nasty things I've been saying Bev!)

And John Campbell! (even though he wasn't here!)

Thanks to Eaglewood Restaurant here at the Eaglepoint Golf Resort for providing these!

Luckbag of the week award goes to Erwin Nyfeler. 
He won the 18 holes at Talking Rock at Little Shuswap!

Announcements - 

 And now that I have your attention 
- there will be a work party at the golf course on Monday, May 28 starting at 5:00 pm.
Come one, come all - we will walk various tee boxes, fairways and greens and try to have the course in great shape for the upcoming tournaments!

The Course will provide a Barbecue Hamburger supper for participants!

The Zone 2 Seniors Tournament and our own Eaglepoint Seniors Tournament will be held coincidentally on June 16 here at the course!
$75 gets you into our tournament and $105 gets you into the Zone 2 and our tournament!
Details in the hallway downstairs - June 11 is the cutoff for entries!

And on another note - Weldon Steel competition against Rivershore is on Monday May 22 here and June 4th there - sign up downstairs - don't rush there are 4 spots available!

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