Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20 Math Calculus was Attempted!

Forty-three of the finest seasoned golfers in the land
 were out this morning at 8:00AM!

9:00 AM Start next week!

Token of the week was given to Wayne Ferguson for no apparent reason and anyone I talked to said Wayne Who? 
Oh well that kind of a day!

Draw prizes were given out and the usual suspects won! Barry? won a free meal and so did Ron Watson? 
WTF! Who is drawing these things anyway! 
How do Lawyers get first in line? HE He HE! 
Nice all around good guy Dwight Oatway won a free play round of golf somewhere! Hope it was good for you!

Deuce pots - yes some people actually played well today -
I couldn't see too many and I didn't as usual! 
Audrey Troutseeker and Terry Haines managed to deuce today - well done!  

Now to the real game - this was an everyone shoots their own ball and calculates their net - then total the team net score per hole then at the end of the round the team can choose their best 2 low net par three holes their best 3 low net par 5 holes and their best 4 low net par 4 holes - needless to say this absolutely flummoxed most of the seniors who the organizers forgot that they can't add without taking their shoes off and collecting pebbles to put in paper cups!

So finally in true Senior or Seasoned Golfer style a lot of ties were awarded and almost every team except mine and a couple of other never wuzzes missed out on the big money being distributed.

Tied for third were the teams of:
 Ed Phillips, Audrey Faulkner, Jorgen Denmark, and Wayne Ferguson

Shirley, Les, Ron and somebody tell me her name again! I forget easily sorry!
Somehow this seems a more fitting picture for these groups!

Now to the more superior players who shot at least 4 strokes better were these two noteworthy teams!

 Anita (ask her how and when Norm proposed - truly a romantic guy that Norm!) then comes Norm and Pat and Del!
They were of course tied with:

 Paul, Al, Brian, and Don!

This kind of represents their state of play today!

Now we come to the real El Supremo Golfers of the moment!

Tied for first place were these fine? (give me some poetic licence for godsake!) players!
Grace, Bill, John and Terry!
And trailing in second in a tie for first was the team of 
Flavio, Mark, Jack and John Campbell!

I've searched the web and found the answer and here it is!
I mean how can any self respecting golfer expect to compete with these guys and gals?

So bringing up and rounding out the field and filling the winners coffers with more of their illicit wealth were these teams.

Laurel, Angus, Myles, and Dwight.
Somebody tell me her name? , Ken Gorilla, Barry Sorry I need a last name? and Vic Feere not for I am the Way!
 Dave Vibraphone, Larry Cannon, Ken Fizzle and Lorraine!
Jerry Campbell, Rick Baker (only slightly out of focus!), Dave (totally out of focus!) and Don Pooch who is always out of focus!

Terry with the donkey ears, Doug and Art!

There appears to be one thing these losing teams have in common!
That's why they find golf so tough!

So remember next week - please no heavy math scoring contests on the scorecards! And be here by about 8:45 dressed decently with a legitimate handicap and not just your drinking buddy!

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