Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jorgen Sveistrup has been busy finding out why Golf is the best sport!

Jorgen says here are 10 good reasons why Golf is the best sport and apparently he feels very strongly about this particularly the 10th good reason!
Apparently Jorgen feels that the guy on the cellphone is really interesting!?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28 Results and what a HOT DAY!

Kamloops at its finest - 
36+ and the golfing was hot!
For some of the troops!
Jack Angstad, John French and Bob Helfrich managed to score a net 123 
in the Low Net 1 - 2- 3
Apparently their fourth was a really good player!
As you can see they took the winning really well!
As you can easily see this smooth swinging group had no problem in coming in second - John Campbell was still recovering from watching MR. COOL AKA Rob Eagan putt!
It's OK John we all have seen it!
Ian Jacques, Audrey Faulkner, Frank Rainey
and Laurel Gouthro were in 3rd place though how the hell they did it dragging Rainey around the course is anyone's guess!
As you can see Frank has had better days!
Fred Persello, Flavio Facchin, Warren Cross and Barry Hill were in for Fourth with a roar.
As you can see when you are in fourth this is what happens when you pack Hill around the course!
Some very nice people played very well and decided to not upset the first four teams. So here are the nice teams!
The losers or "nice people" in this picture are Larry Sill, Rick Baker, Fred Hamarlund and some lazy old French guy!
They sort of played like this all day!
Other nice people golfing today were:
Shirley! Wiklund (did she invent Wikepedia?), Frank Barret, Doug Rutledge and Clear the track here comes Ozubko!
They too had a rough day!
However in the overall realm of rough days
Ken and Madeline Robertson had to force themselves to follow around and hit the ball and drag Barker around the course!
Meanwhile Angus Gouthro managed to burn the house down!
Nice work Angus!
However the Robertson's and Angus did have to put up with Dave (The Bear!) Barker.
It was sort of hit the ball and drag Barker all day long! He! He! He!
At times Dave was like this!
At other times he was like this!

But best of all was how he ended up!
Luckily for me, I am off to Iqaluit for the next two weeks and can someone please warn me when Dave is around the corner!?

There were a number of Deuce winners today and they are:John French, Jack Angstad, John Campbell, Al Jakel, Barry Hill, and Larry Sill.

Senior Token of the week was awarded to Jack Angstad for no particular reason except he played like this.
Shirley Wiklund was out today and apparently she felt she had a point to prove!
Shirley said something about the "Y" being important to keep working out at! 
Way to go girl!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weldon Steele update from Meadowcreek

Ron Haywood, Erwin Nyfeler, John French and Jorgen Sveistruip paid a return visit to Meadowcreek after the significant thrashing they handed out to the Meadowcreek gang here last week!
Meadowcreek hole #1
Start of hole #2 overlooking Logan Lake and the campground just on the right side of the lake.
A little putting practice never hurt anyone!
John French swinging away!
Some guys needed the extra practice!
Sveistruip felt he had a hold of the game winning ball!
Jorgen played more like this than he did regular golf!
Jorgen gets dressed up like this most weekends!

At last hearing, we apparently prevailed but the reporters couldn't speak too clearly - sounded like beer steins were ringing in their voices!
Anyways - they won!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday July 21 Winners

We played a Team 1 Low Net - Stableford Scoring Game.

1st Place -  Total Points 58
Doug Rutledge
Judy Cross
Jack Mathews 
Jorgen Sveistrup

2nd Pace - Total Points 54
Rick Baker
Dave Barker
Flavio Facchin
Dave Hay

3rd Place - Total Points 53
Fred Hammarlund
Ron Haywood
Erwin Nyfeler
Gloria Tewnion

4th - Total Points 51
Audrey Faulkner
Rob Eagan
John St Louis
Len Kelly

These were not winners - WEINERS!

Ian Jaques
Larry Sill
Jack Mathews 
Fred Hammarlund X 2 
Token Senior of the Week - Laurel Gouthro. In order to receive the Token Laurel promises to take longer than 45 seconds to hit an entire large bucket of range balls..... SLOW DOWN LAUREL!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14 News that is fit to print even if you don't want it to see the light of day!

Gloria and Al were the Low Gross Winners in 
two person team ball today!
They enjoyed the parade around the course after their win! Not sure who was which!
Gord and Jorgen (87?!) Sveistrup were tied with
the two Johns for Low Net! French took off his shoes and socks in order to count out the split of the prize money!
Dumont said that he thought his partner was pretty good but he was told in the pro shop that he couldn't take her around the course like this!
Sorry John you have to have them buckled up!
In Second place in the low gross were 
The Bear and Holland.
Dave got treed apparently!
Amazing to think he's scared of a little pussy!
Third Low Gross were
(got to keep my eyes closed when Rutledge hits the ball!) and
As you can see Rutledge did not impress Cross!
Now Mr. Rutledge when did you begin to feel useless and not respected by others?

In third place in Low Net were
Arlene and Ron
Ron - always the gentleman - took Arlene and the winnings along!
The rest of us were LOSERS! Baker and Campbell!
Laurel and Flavio
Dorothy had to carry Nadler all day!
Pooch and Helfrich were just glad to be eating!
Robertson carried Mathews (notice one T!) or was it the other way around?
Actually this is what it felt like!
War and Peace were out on the course - Larry really played the course!
Larry sort of drove like this today!
The Hammer and St. Louis were there sort of!
Barb let Angus in the picture but only at a distance!
Erwin ripped up the course with Judy!
But they came home with nothing!
Three members managed to finagle deuce pots today!
Bill Holland, Dave Barker and Doug Rutledge
Of particular note - the Seniors token of the week went to 
Gordie Craik.
We all have days like this!

Weldon Steele here tomorrow July 15 - Sveistrup, Nyfeler, French and Heywood are going to match up with Meadow Creek gang from Logan Lake! Good luck - we're counting on you guys!