Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27 Results of Texas Scramble

Tee times for Seniors' Golf start 9:00 AM 
so please be here by 8:30 AM so we can get started!

Lunch was soup and sandwich today
(turkey and tuna salad and cream of broccoli soup 
with fruit tray and a dessert tray to choose from!) 
Service was quick and simple - you just stepped up and got your own! 
Price was $7.95 plus HST!
Any Feedback to Larry, Dave, Al, Don, Ley, Rick or Ken would be appreciated! 

Good Luck to the Weldon Steele group who are representing our club at Salmon Arm tomorrow!
They had a rough ride last week here! 
Salmon Arm shot the lights out!
Dana Skoberg says this is how he felt after the round!

Barry Hill managed to sneak in a natural deuce today 
- Texas Scramble was the format! 
He was kind enough to leave early so we had a drink in his honour and with his money! 
Didn't we?

Weiners today in the Gross category were FIRST!

Gloria Tewnion, ?mystery man, Charles Molloy 
and Dave Hampton 
- how they can justify living off 
a poor woman's labour mystifies most of us!

Second by just a whisker was the fine foursome of Don Trainwrecker, John Ballwrecker, 
Shirley (don't hit me again Shirley!) and Ferne Gosselin.

As you can see these women 
know how to handle the situation!

Third only because the judges were paid off by the first two above teams - was the foursome of  Smooth as silk, 
The Danish Mathematician, 
Laurel Divine 
and Jerry Campbell.
Laurel was celebrating after carrying those guys all day!

Fourth and last cause there were no others was the group of Mr. He He He, John French Fry, 
Angus Four Letter Friend Getter 
and Dana 
(I have never hardly ever hit a ball that far before 
as he picks up his ball 20 yards 
beyond the 100 yard marker on number 14!) 

Robertson and French were sure they were playing with someone like this today 
as both Angus and Dana acted this way!

Because the powers that be don't let you win both low Gross and Low Net - loud jeers from cheaper seats at this point! - the Low nets were allowed to have their prizes awarded!
First out was the group of Barry Hill, Paul, Myrtle and Lincoln Cadogan - note that Hill left early to avoid any embarassing questions!

Second Low nets was this fine group led by Tave Dandy - how the hell Velestuk managed to make it is open to question and the other two guys were too embarassed to give me their names!

Third in the Low Net category was the sandbagging group of Grace (Will she fall from?), Mr. Fisherman, Dave Bacon and Heather Flap Flap!

Dumont was seen later down by the pond!
 In Fourth spot in this rather unsavoury competition was the group of Del Macready, Jumping Jack, and Crash Hay!

It's good to see that Dave is back and up to his old tricks!
 He always leads by fine example!
These other groups were too kind to take away any of the fabulous prizes awarded today and we thank them!

Pooch, My Leg is Better now thanks Baker, Ley Which way did it go? and Arlene (Jump when I speak to you Pooch!) Sahlstrom.


37 were out this week and let's see if we can make it 40 + next week!
If I missed your name please give me a shout 
and I'll make it up to you!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katherine is one of our new servers 
and it was a hectic start with 41 Seniors out today!

Sandy is our new chef and she hails from the McCracken Pub! 
Welcome Sandy!

This was the kind of play action that we were involved with today with Ugly Ball!
(You might have to click on the picture above!)

Somehow John DuMont was given the Token Of the Week! 
Last week he made his team trudge through the rain and sleet for all 18 holes!
Apparently he had a deuce and thought he would get paid if he finished the round 
- what a guy will do for 5 bucks!

Weldon Steele competition starts next Thursday!

Weldon Steele  April 21 at Salmon Arm  - 
we have Don Ozubko, Dana Skoberg, Ley MacMillan 
and Don Puhach defending our honour!  
April 28 they are here!
Good luck!
Cause as you can see the competition is fierce!

Deuces came hot and heavy today! 
Ron Hayward, Ley MacMillan, John Campbell, Doug Pockett
and John French 
were all able to roll in some good ones!

UGLY BALL Team competition with 41 out was tough 
but the Usual Sandbaggers managed to take a net team 131 
and first place!

Doug Rutledge, Don Puhach, John Dumont? How the hell did he get in there? and Dave Hampton were our grand winners this week! Congratulations!

They enjoyed a good hot tub after their hard work! 
You figure out whose butt is whose!

2nd place team was Del Macready, Don Ozubko, Al Jakel and Ferne Gosselin 
with a net 133 - 
the ladies were certainly the mainstay of this group!

Coming in Third were Laurel Gouthro, Dana Skoberg, Jerry Campbell 
and Doug (I've got a hole in my!) Pockett.
As you can see Pockett wasn't sure whether he was golfing or parking carts!

Two Groups tied for Fourth place with nets of 136.

Arlene Sahlstrom, Lincoln and Myrtle Cadogan with their fourth gone home.

Then these three sort of backed into the spot by accident 
cause they thought they were here to play shuffleboard.
Larry Sill, Bob Helfrich, and Ron Hayward.

Some other folk showed up and managed to hit some balls occasionally, fumble around in various corners of the course and then had lunch 
- Oh they paid for the above groups prizes!

Brenda White, Charlie Molloy and Dave Bacon had fun!

This group were in the picture but Campbell refused to be in the scene!

 John French, Gloria Tewnion and Mr. My leg hurts too much today Baker also played 
- tiddlywinks apparently!

Ken White was partnered with 
Sal Harms 
(sorry Sal your photo was not one you would want published!)
and Angus Gouthro 
(he and Laurel went home before lunch) also played.

Mr. Smooth as Silk, Les Ekstrom, Art Harms and Ley MacMillan also were on the course
but apparently all over it at times too!

Heather Heron and Shirley Wicklund did not have big enough shoulders 
to carry Robertson and Sveistruip !
First they had to help Robertson look for the dang UGLY Ball which cost them four strokes - Shirley didn't like his attitude and tuned him up!
 They are a tough group to play with!

Then Shirley demonstrated why Seniors shouldn't be allowed near Electronic gear as she managed to send her electric cart over the edge of number 13! 
She stretched her arm way way out but the cart managed to get 1/2 way 
down the hill before it exploded!

She hits hard and has a long reach! 
She and Heather also shot great golf!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday April 13 10:00 AM Start - Please be there by 9:30 AM

10:00 AM  - don't know what tricks those rascals have planned for us this week so be ready!

Weldon Steele Competition 
April 21 at Salmon Arm  
April 28 Salmon Arm here

Sign up downstairs !
- 4 are chosen by draw if more than four sign up! 

Good deal at 25 bucks to play a great course 
- generally they buy the lunch at their club 
and we buy the lunch here 
and we car pool and pay the driver $10. 

News Flash! 
Some seniors are having trouble with this so you might end up paying for yourself and letting them pay for themselves - You know Seniors!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don Ozubko had to send in a special - warning may offend some readers! Tough!

  Body Found  on Golf Course 
Today,  Police found a Frozen unidentified man's nude body buried in a sand trap.
They describe him as having a Beer Belly, Saggy Balls, Wrinkly Ass and a Small you know what!  

You Okay???

Just a little about the Scots!

Hope this works! A Scotsman was going home but had been drinking too much!

Click on the title to get the song!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6 Results and happenings!

Golfing was sort of like this today!
So after about 9 or 11 holes 
- depending on whether you heard the horn or not! 
- we all came in to drink heavily and warm up!
 Some of course had to have more than their fair share!
Only some initials were known - SW HH etc!

Dave, Doug, Charlie 

and his new best friend? Larry were there!

This sombre group were in early and had their specials done in a hurry!

Shirley, Ley, Del and Old Socks (Smelly and wrinkly!) were seeing that the game ended properly!

The Old Latin Lover Flavio, Mr. Junior Senior Ian, "Hog Head" Ozubko and Mr. He He He were having so much fun in the fricking sleet they didn't hear the horn!

 Ed Velestuk, Jerry Campbell, Heather Heron and Dana Skoberg were in and tucked away everything with a roar!

Michelle was back taking orders and trying to keep control of things in the general hubub!

Sometimes things get carried away!
Our new Chef Brenda was in the kitchen
whipping up the fixings!

Stay tuned as soon as I get all the details from Larry and Al on the Weldon Steele which starts against Salmon Arm here on Thursday, April 28 with the return the following week.
Interested members sign up on the sheet - if more than four register there will be a draw to see who goes! 
For $25 you get to play some great courses and the competition is great! 
Try it - you'll like it!