Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seniors' Tournament Results September 15

40  out for our final tournament 
and it was a three flight stroke play tournament!
Special Thanks to 
Larry Sill, 
Al Jakel, 
Dave Hay 
and occasionally Don Puhach 
for all the work of organizing, collating, collecting, collaring, and officiating over the past season - 
big thanks from all of us!

Overall Low Gross Winners for Men and Ladies were:
Shirley Wiklund 
and Dave Barker!
As you can see Shirley was awake but Dave was sort of sleep walking through the ceremonies!
Shirley splashed to victory!
Dave as usual was on the hunt for more beer!
The Ladies Low Gross Winners were Grace Brown (color her gone!) Arlene (He jumps or else bub!) Sahlstrom, and Barb Kenyon. Low Net Winners were Del Macready and Laurel Gouthro.
The Ladies took their winnings and went home!

In the Men's Flight 15+ here were the winners!
:Low Gross winners were: Erwin Nyfeler, Flavio Facchin, Fred Hamarlund.
Low Net Winners were:
Ron Hayward, Fred Persello, and Jorgen Sveistruip!
They took their winning rather nonchalantly!
The Men's 0 - 14 group winners were: Low Gross Dana Skoberg, Norm Romano, and Dave Hay. Low Net Winners were Larry Sill, John Dumont, and Rob Egan!
They strutted off the platform happily!
And as you can see they have much to strut!
Overall Low Net Mens' and Ladies' Winners were:
Gloria Tewnion and Al Jakel!

Gloria was back practising what she does best apparently!
Al just sort of relaxed on the way home!
Commuting comes easy to Al!
Some people shot deuces : Like Grace Brown, Bill Brown, Mark Nadler and Dave Barker.
As you can see a deuce leads some of them astray!

KP's were won by Dana Skoberg, Doug Pockett, and Gloria Tewnion.
We care?
Long Drive Winners were:
Dana Skoberg, Bill Brown, and Shirley Wiklund.
Apparently they practise a lot!

Thanks again to Larry, Dave and Al for keeping us together and putting up with late arrivals and all the other hassles they have put up with over the year! You are great and somewhere someone is looking for you!
At least you know you are appreciated!
See you in March of 2011!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It was like kissing your sister! Weldon Steel Results from this year!

We came in second in the north zone 
- somehow Rivershore managed to sneak by us
and they go on to fight it out in September.
We started out like this!
Ended up like this!
That's the way the bull flies!

Congratulations to Rivershore and thanks to the guys who represented us for going out and giving it their all!

On a happier note Captain Dave Hay wanted us all to remember to be kind to each other and remember to see ourselves as we see ourselves!
Thanks for this Dave!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eaglepoint Seniors Results from September 8

It was a hardy group of semi-intelligent seniors who braved the course today! 
28 showed up and after two holes of rain it fairly cleared off and we became intelligent seniors for the rest of the day!
We played a simple game of two best nets and two best grosses and
Watching Don Puhach take off his shoes and socks to try and add up his score and Shirley Wiklund unable to stand the humour of the moment!
Warren Cross and Laurel Gouthro tried to figure out what Shirley was doing and Don ended up with some extra digits!
The Sad story here is their picture was so blurry that I had to delete it and went on the web and found a good picture of them in action!
Now for the real winners in this Mathematician's delight!
With a score of 310 were:
Freddie Hamarlund, Jim Gordon, Dave Assmus 
and Dave Hay!
Some surprise hey!
They look too darn comfortable with the sandbagging they administered to the rest of us!
Here's how we all felt after the days play!

In Second spot for no good reason other than they were very adept at adding some and subtracting lots were:
Mr. Big, Mr. Junior Senior, Mr. Pastry and Go Fish!
You know this is how most of us feel when we have to contend with John Campbell!
 You can see why we don't have much of a chance!
In third spot were another group of lurking sandbaggers!
Mad Dog, the two blondes, and Mr. Mortgage!
Otherwise known as Al Jakel, Fern Gosselin, Judy Cross and Vic Benard.
They dressed up or down for the occasion!
In fourth spot and despite dragging a gorilla around the course with them were:
The Gorilla aka Angus Gouthro, Rick Baker, Mr. He! He! He! and your common garden variety of a Latin Lover Flavio Facchin.
Somehow they still couldn't squeeze out a big win!
There were some other people on the course today!
Arlene (I just say jump!) Sahlstrom, Del (And I've only just retired!) Macready, John (Yes I did hit a 78 once!) French and Mr. Smooth Putter Hayward.
They sort of took the beating laying down!
Also on the course were the old Train Wrecker, Grace Brown, Jeff Hambleton, and Jumping Jack Flash!
They sort of were off their horse today!

The old Train Wrecker and Vic (Mortgage rates are down!) Benard managed to convince the rest of us that they deuced  some holes!

Seniors tournament September 15
$10 buys you a meal, some prizes and a good time for the last big Seniors Day!
You must have played 3 times on our Seniors Days this year and be a member!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1 Results And if you weren't there you missed a great day!

There were 27 out today - considering what looked like going to be a rainy day - it turned out awesome and sunny!

Larry Sill recognized Warren Cross who was getting schnozzled at the bar while Judy was golfing! 
Oh - sorry he was eating his lunch 
and exhausted from his day job 
of chipping stray range balls back on the course!

The TEAM game today was 1-2-3 net scores.

First in our hearts and best with a pencil and eraser on the scorecard were the foursome of:
Angus Gouthro (Like does he never lose?), 
Don (Funny Arlene wasn't here to tell him how to behave 
and he did!) Puhach,
Audrey (Ain't no fish to big to land baby!) Faulkner
and Shirley 
(If putting was the only stroke 
in golf this gal would have all the cookie crumbs!) 
Of course Angus has only been golfing two years so you have to forgive him his wins

Shirley had a hard time keeping out of the dirt and certainly didn't keep the place clean!

Audrey took her game to a whole new level!
Angus and Don were still learning how to play fair!

Tied for second (It's like kissing your sister!) 
were the teams of:
Don Ozubko, Mad Dog, Silly Larry, and Vic Benard!
As you can see Ozubko is keeping his hand in!
Freddie Freeloader, 
Mr. He! He! He!, 
(I'm just your common garden variety of a Latin Lover!)
And Dave ( Hit it till it cries!) Hampton.
They take the game cereally!
Then a group of has beens, never wuzzes and we played golf? guys and gals came in the door!
Jim (I should have taken up table tennis!) Gordon,
Rick (But I practiced already!) Baker,
Laurel (that old man of mine just got lucky!) Gouthro, and 
Jumping Jack Flash Mathews.
They clapped and they cheeered and they still lost!
Judy ( I do have a heavy Cross to bear!),
Dan (But I hit the ball really well!) Crawford,
Dave (Pure silk baby!) Assmus, and
Gloria (but I played really really well?) Tewnion.
Gloria and Judy tried to explain the workings of the backswing, the head game and how to really really slice a ball!
As you can see Dan and Dave had a hard time keeping this group together!
Shock and awe baby! French, Mr. Big and I still didn't get any respect Rutledge were there - they had a fourth in the group who shot a perfect par! 
And won the SENIOR token of the week!
Even though they really were miserable in what they called him!
They took a spanking but will be back for more!

Don Ozubko shot a deuce!
He tries to make a little money on the side!
The Seniors Tournament is September 15
8:30 AM
Two flights for men and one for the ladies!
You must be 55 and be a member of Eaglepoint and as well you must have played at least three times with our group this year!
$10 buys you a lunch, prizes, 
Long Drives and KP's 
courtesy of the PRO Shop! 
Thanks! John and Doug!
Also Vic Benard pointed out that we are offered a chance to play a 24 men's team event on September 18 and 19 Home and Away!
$45 buys you a round at Rivershore, and home as well as two lunches! 
Sign up at the Pro Shop!