Friday, July 27, 2012

July 25 Best ball low net results

Sort of have the results
 - unfortunately missed a few of the winners and losers!

Doug Rutledge's CD is out and available!
See Doug and he will sing you a sales pitch!

Winners this week of the free golf rounds were:
Audrey Faulkner  18 holes at Merritt.
Bruce Betker won a pass to Royal York in Armstrong.

Big feeders of the week were Mark Nadler and Vic Feere
who both won free food here at Eaglewood Restaurant!

Now I confess I missed up on some of the whiners and losers but anyway here in my jumbled mess are who I think I heard were winners!

 Sharon, Lorraine, Bruce and Ron were first place winners with a net 44.65!
Cool winners hey!

 2nd place went to Nadler, Gouthro and Dumont. Their fourth ran off in shame!

They enjoyed their win! Doesn't Angus look himself!?

 3rd place was the team of Rutledge, some old baldheaded coot, Mathew and Won't you come home Bill!
I think this sums Whitehead and company up perfectly No?!

 6th place was the spotty team of Alexander, Romano, Heather and Del.

That's what happens when you are in 6th!

 Tied for 6th was the team of Vic, Walton, Sill and Salonen.

Amazing what a little bit of winning does to guys morals!

 7th or 8th place was the team of Ozubko, Sveistrup, Jacques and Hankey.

Amazing how Jacques and Hankey were typecast!

 9th  spot was taken by Marilyn, Charlie, Shirley and old Mayhem himself.

Ken refused to take his sunglasses off for the post party photo shoot! Said something about the press were going to meet a violent end!? Or words to that effect!

Hard to say where the following teams placed - ? Audrey, Wayne Ferguson and Dwight Oatway.
Audrey thought she would celebrate after the match so tried her usual table dance routine!

 Gerry, Don, Paul and Laurel
 As usual Laurel had to carry this group of sad sacks!

Ludwig, Tave, John and Lincoln
This sort of sums up their days play!

 Terry, Mark, and Gerry.

As you can see they had an entertaining round today!

 Ken MacCormack, Barry and Bruce.
As you can see one of them had other things on their mind than today's golf! Go figure!

 Pat, Fred, Rick and Grace.

Amazing what tricks these losers get up to when the win wasn't theirs!

John, Myrtle, Les and Jack.
Sort of summed up their day on the course don't you think!

OK - so for the next few weeks till further notice 
we are teeing off at 8:30 AM 
so please be registered by 8:15 AM in the clubhouse.
Stroke play game this coming Wednesday!

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 25 Special Notice 8:30 AM Start till Further Notice

I have been advised by the Gods Of Golf that

in coordination with Brett Martin

our Seniors' start time will now commence at 

8:30 AM till further notice. 

July 25 please try to register 

in the clubhouse by 8:15 AM 

If that don't wake you up this will!

CU on the links rather than under them!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18 Las Vegas Best Ball

Sixty- two out today! Great turn out!
Senior Token of the Week was "won"? by Deb Seibel.
 She managed to lose the die by the 6th hole!
How the **** did she do that?

Go practice your dice techniques!
Don't let Deb hold the die!

Winners of free lunches were:
Angus Gouthro - WTF how did he and Laurel win again?

Ian Campbell who is still working! Won a free lunch!

Thanks to the Eaglewood Restaurant here at Eaglepoint!
They serve good food and get on out and eat lots!

Rounds of golf were won by:
Charlie Molloy - 2 rounds at Vernon Country Club!

Gerry Tresiera won 2 rounds at Royal York in Armstrong!

Announcements - King of the Hill this Saturday and Sunday!

Club members only a $100 bucks! Lots of prizes! 
And Door prizes!

August 29 is our Eaglepoint Senior Men's 2 Ball Tournament! 
Get a partner and bogey!

We had lots of winners today!
First Low Gross winners were:

Gerry Campbell, Larry Sill, Jim MacCormack 
and Jack Angstad.
 As you can see they were in festive mood for the occasion!

 2nd Lo Gross was the team of 
Shirley, Mark, Angus and Tave 
- thank God Tave was there to bail them out 
with a great chip on for the bird!

 Honestly they sort of dressed down for the occasion!

 Bev McIntosh, Jim Gordon , Ian Campbell 
and Mr Terry Haines were out hop scotching along 
- doesn't Terry handle his purse with aplomb?

4th Lo Gross and as you can see it is GROSS!
 Were Dave (Kiss me Hardy!) Hay, 
Al (Mad Dog) Jakel 
and somewhat embarassed 
by the performance was Ley MacMillan 
or were just his affections being alienated? 
Stay Tuned!

Actually you can see that Hay was always somewhat 
out of place in the whole scheme of things!

Now on the truly awesome side of golf are the Low Netters!

First Lo Net went to the team of:
 Gerry Tresiera, Mark Nadler, Laurel Gouthro 
and WTF Mathew again! 
Where in H did he come from?
 Actually they sort of had the round of their lives!

 As usual in 2nd place for Lo Net was the team of 
Bruce, Myrtle, Steve 
and that dang RCMP Ex 
who keeps threatening me with physical violence! 
What have I ever done to the Gorilla? AKA Nevins, Ken
 They sort of go in for homemade pleasures!

 In Second place which they plainly deserved cause they couldn't get the servers attention either! 
Was the fine? team of Paul, 
Joanne (Deb's older slimmer sister!), 
Smooth as silk and Golfland's most wanted! Les Swaine!

 The guys said playing with Joanne was a real treat!
 Go figure!

 In Third Spot but closing fast was the fine foursome of 
 Deb (I'm just a prairie chicken!) Seibel, 
Robertson and Dennis (Hurt the ball!) Henri.
 We caught a candid shot of Deb 
showing her displeasure to the judge
 on a shot that she said was good 
but didn't get full marks for!
And at one point the guys were kind of shocked 
to find out 
she has been golfing with Angus 
cause she used that F word 
that has been described to me as a four letter friend getter 
- or something like that!
In 5th Spot was the ? finer team of : 
Watson (listen I lose one more and I sue!), 
Mike Batty, Norm U Know the rest! and Sharon 
who the guys kept out on the wing most of the trip!

 Sixth Place was held down? by the mighty team of 
Mr. Viking, Pete, Dave and Vic! 
They had an awesome day on the course
 - something like the following!

Now we come down to the Has Beens, Never Wuzzes
 and let's just play for milk caps crews!
 Audrey was rushed into the picture so she didn't have her eyes in!
 Bruce and Mike were quite OK with this cause 
they had already been subjected t
o Audrey's kind of justice on the course!
 I mean in a gentlemanly sport wouldn't you behave 
if Audrey asked you to?

 Now another group of well known pastry puffs were seen sort of standing around! Erwin, John, Ray, and Flavio!
 As you can see golf wasn't really on their minds today!

 Dennis, Don, Brian and Art were also attentive 
but they had to put up with Whitehead's recounting of 
how he rides his Honda! 
Witness the following!

 Then a fine group of Geoff, 
Fern ( no e on the end in case you were wondering!), 
Pat and Lincoln shot around the course!

 Apparently one of the gals was really keen to show her stuff today but somehow it didn't quite work out the way she intended!

 You go girl! Was it you Fern? Or you Pat?

 Almost last in the list but almost first on our douchebag honour roll 
was the fine team of Mark, Jerry, Linda and Debbie!
 By the way Jerry next week you have to release Deb to the rest of the pack! 
Sorry buddy but you draws your number
 and she'll still be there after the round!
And the Gorilla had to get his fingers in the picture again!
Linda and Debbie said it was a great time?!
 Here is the last group out today - John, Richard, Charles 
and Ludwig just before he fell off the bench! 
They had a great collapse on the course as you can see!

9:00 AM July 25 
- Be there and be ready to play up and go for the gold!