Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 Results from the 3-2-1 Team Play

Larry Sill and Ley MacMillan were in charge today 
- 50 golfers out despite the wind and weather!

 As you can see the weather was challenging!

KP winner today was Heather Heron! 
She won a free lunch entree at Eaglewood Restaurant!

Winner of the Draw for play at another course 
- 18 holes at Chinook Cove - Lincoln Cadogan!

Winner of 3 lbs of wings from the 
 Eaglewood Restaurant was Fern Gosselin!

Deuces today were won by the usual suspects!
Don Puhach, Norm Romano, Linda Angstad, and Heather Heron!

Token of the week was won by Dapper Dave Hampton 
who managed to shoot 76 yesterday and with an 8 on a par three today? he shot a 95
 - get out there and practice Dave!

Now to the real winners!

In first place with a boom were Bill Brown, Don Puhach, Bruce White and Dwight!
They managed to shoot a 117!

They were seen later having a sort of private celebration!

Apparently good manners weren't served at their houses!?

In second place with a score of 120 (more believable almost!) was the fine team of:
Vic Feere, Maurice Bridgeman, Norm Romano, and Myles Hanke!

As you can see Vic was having a great day!

Third spot was taken with a 121 by Mark Nadler, Del Macready, 
Rick Baker and Lincoln Cadogan!
Del brings her own inimitable ways to the golf course! 
She showed us some of her earlier moves!

How can anyone beat those kinds of moves?

In 4th spot with a 124 was the sizzling? team of Ken Nevins,
 Louis Faisthuber, Jorgen Sveistrup and Heather Heron!
Now Louis may look like a deer in the headlights but they said 
Ken was just a champion on the course and 
he couldn't resist sending a shot of him in action today! Thanks Ken!

Ken believes in going all in on most performances!

In 5th spot was the very spotty team of Shirley Wicklund, 
Campbell soup, the Swiss Pastry and "I'm really going to hurt this ball this time!" Gouthro.

Shirley wasn't going to be outdone by Del so she sent in this early photo of her in her teen days!

Remember Shirley what happens on the course stays on the course!

Larry and Ley were really kind today so they made up a 6th place team finish!

Don Ozubko. Fern Gosselin and Terry Haines were in it so it was a mercy place finish!

Fern was so excited she asked Don and Terry for a real lift and so they did!
She was a real sport and sort of thanked them at the end!

Now we come to the real golfers! These groups of never wuzzes, sort of has beens and wish we had stayed in beds were disconsolately wandering around the course!
In no particular order: 
Bev McIntosh, Ken Robertson, 
John French and Art Harms were all over the course!
They played like this!

John Campbell, Henry Dennis, Charlie Molloy and Dave Hampton were also out there!
They tried disguises but it didn't work!
They weren't the only group in need of disguises though!
Mr. Question Mark, Larry Sill, Steve Walton and John (I keep my eyes closed when I putt too!) Pisarczyk were around and all over the course apparently!
They each took turns leading but should have used this guy to get away!
They would have left the rest of us on the track if they had any leadership!

Laurel Gouthro, Linda Angstad and Myrtle Cadogan 
had some old duffer named Heywood out there today 
- in a quick interview after the round 
they all agreed that Ron was somewhat like this on the course today!
Trouble with Heywood he never knows when he has it good!

Marilyn (Don't you forget my picture Newsy! ) Peterson was out with Pat Faisthuber and Terry Noftall!

 I got a candid shot when I asked the gals how helpful Terry was out there today!

It just may be that Terry thinks he's handier than he is? 
Hey remember I only report the news!

One other group sent in a picture of one of their star performers today!
Tave and Grace said that Ian sort of played like this today!

Hey remember I only report the news!

CU on the course next week at 9:00 AM!

Actually be here before 8:45 cause the score keepers need to get organized!

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