Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Results for May 2 Las Vegas Casino Best Ball Golf

Our two servers today were Joanna and Jasmina!


 Oh I thought that was their picture but here they are and they did a great job!

In first place was the sandbagging crew of Dana, Heather, Louis and Mark.
 Heather knows how to handle these guys!

In Second Place was the fine team of:
Karen, Ian, Ron and Tave!

Karen and Tave had some odd moments on the course today!

In third Spot was crew of Bev, Ferne, Don and Paul.
Pooch had his moments today!

Fourth place was taken by 
Richard, Bruce, Rick and Maurice. Aberdeen is showing up!
They were rather nonchalant about their magnificent placing!
In an awesome showing Del and Lorraine managed to pull John and Angus through to 5th spit!
It's amazing the tricks these gals were up to!
Give the girls enough time and things really fly!
Tied for 7th spot was the ?magnificent?
 no-  the god awful teams of:

Dwight, Rita, Paul and Erwin. Rita was really proud of her work today and she showed her stuff!
You go girl!
Moping around and picking up any loose change was the foursome of Myles, Ken, Bob and John.
Myles was always willing to lend a large helping hand to Robertson - Thanks big guy!
There were a number of other groups out on the course today!
They would probably want to remain anonymous 
but public humiliation and embarassment being our main focus here 
these hasbeens, neverwuzes and 
Oops I thought this was a croquet match type of groups! 
Sort of played through the day!
 Audrey, Ben, Pat, and Steve sort of thrashed around 
- as you can see!
 Laurel was out on the course performing - as you can see!
Barry and Bill were amazed but Gerry was sort of Ho Hum I'm used to that kind of performance!

Don, Don, Grace and Art 
dazzled someone somewhere today! 
They said Grace was amazing 
and we managed to catch her at one point!
Truly amazing performance Grace! But does Bill know?

But wait there's more!
Myrtle, Lincoln, Ken and Shirley were out there 
performing magic as well! 
Here's a shot of Myrtle and Shirley doing their thing!
Whatever it was the golf part that escaped the team!

Also sort of being on the course was really cool to this group of neverwuzzes!
Vic, Ley, Les, and Ron sort of coasted around in neutral and drank happily cause they had to celebrate something!
Ley was happy to help Vic on the course!

And finally the big three came in all smiles and chuckles cause what they heck they knew from the start they couldn't win so they came up smiling!
I guess they were secure in the knowledge that if it was good for you then it was good for them too!
Thanks Dave and Al - don't know how Terry got in there!

On a happier note, Rita Valkama 
(she's Finnish don't you Suomi!) 
won the token of the week! 
Go hit the ball Rita!

There were 51 out today - great to see you all! 
Remember if I don't have your name right then you don't either so correct me if I'm wrong somewhere - 
(is that possible? moi? never!)

These players went home happy with $10 gift cards from Cora's Restaurant up the hill.
Laurel Gouthro,
Vic Feere,
Lorraine Zimmer.

These two players won $20 gift certificates from the Eaglewood Restaurant right here!
Myles Hanke,
Dwight Oatway, 
Erwin Nyfeler

And Ron Watson won the 9 hole pass to Mount Paul!
Good luck tomorrow for the Weldon Steele team playing here against Logan Lake!

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