Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Results for May 16  

The powers that be cursed us again with wild wind, rain 
and Brian Whitehead who couldn't add past ten 
without taking his shoes and socks off! 
No wonder he has his picture in every Post Office!

Needless to say Dave is home now trying to make sense 
of the "Whitehead/Blockhead" scorecard that was submitted today 
to "Win" the dang big money!

Oh well your friendly and ever ready reporter/scribe has managed 
to find a picture worthy of Whitehead's blockheadishness!
Whitehead only plays to win! By whatever means!

Well now you should know who had to play with him! They were assigned first place but a recount is underway as we speak and they have all disassociated themselves from any responsibility but were happily seen off shopping at the local jewellery stores!
 I happily removed the top half of Brian's head to signify his loss of mental acuity - however Marilyn, (sporting a new ring we notice), Lorraine and Barry had to drag themselves around the course in Whitehead's company! Poor poor people!

Now on to the more responsible cheaters and eraser ready players on the course today in Second Spot was the team of:
Steve, Don, Dave and Paul. They apparently had a great round 
and were quite smug in their placing!

As you can see they were outstanding in the field today!

In Third Spot was that charming group of delinquents: Dave, Ley and Pat.
 Thanks for organizing this but do something about the weather?

They counted the money - awarded the prizes despite Whitehead 
and Pat got her orange tee back 
- has only had it for three whole years apparently 
and sent Dave back two miles to try and get the dang thing!

Apparently this is how Pat ends up when she doesn't use her orange tee? Shameful huh?

Now tied for fourth were the two very fine teams of:

Jim Dandy, Heather Sparrow, Ron (ain't I cute?) Heywood
 and Mark (Did anyone figure out how to score this dang thing?) Nadler.
They played a fine game on the course today!
Got to love their style and panache!

Tide with them was the almost awesome team of 
Angus (Did you C that **** go left, right, down, up sideways, there partner?) Gouthro,  
Bruce (Yes I am quite charming actually!) White,
 Jerry (Man when I shank, I shank it all the way!) Campbell
 and Ken ( Putt putt putt putt!) Robertson

They had an awesome day despite their inadequacies!
Though truth be known this is how most of their day was spent!

Now to the great unwashed who marched amongst us today!

Dwight, Erwin, Maurice, and Peter Hasbon were off and around the course today!
As you can see one of them might be a golfer!

Also on the course today was this dynamic group!
Karen, Richard Zorn, Don Ingraham, and Myles Hanke!

They had fun - wouldn't you?
Hey we all have our delusions!

Also bam bamming their way around the course to no avail today was this fine group!
Linc Cadogan, Madeline Robertson and Bev McIntosh had a great time!
Too bad it wasn't on the course!
Well I guess!

Then this group of whiz bangs showed up and ripped the course apart!

Ted Wiggins, Jorgen Sveistrup, Ron Watson and John Campbell were out and about!
To no avail apparently!

As you can see they were looking around for action that wasn't there!

Finally to bring this sorry lot to an end was this group of hangers-on!
Vic Feere, Terry Haines, Laurel Gouthro and John French 
were up and down but to no avail apparently!
As you can see Laurel had a tough job holding up this entire team!

We had 38 out today!

Token of the week was won by Heather Stork! Go hit the ball Heather!

Draw winners this week were:

Richard Zorn won the $50 gift certificate from Payne Less Auto Detailing!

Eaglewood Restaurant Entree winners this week were:

Bev McIntosh ( I take back all those nasty things I've been saying Bev!)

And John Campbell! (even though he wasn't here!)

Thanks to Eaglewood Restaurant here at the Eaglepoint Golf Resort for providing these!

Luckbag of the week award goes to Erwin Nyfeler. 
He won the 18 holes at Talking Rock at Little Shuswap!

Announcements - 

 And now that I have your attention 
- there will be a work party at the golf course on Monday, May 28 starting at 5:00 pm.
Come one, come all - we will walk various tee boxes, fairways and greens and try to have the course in great shape for the upcoming tournaments!

The Course will provide a Barbecue Hamburger supper for participants!

The Zone 2 Seniors Tournament and our own Eaglepoint Seniors Tournament will be held coincidentally on June 16 here at the course!
$75 gets you into our tournament and $105 gets you into the Zone 2 and our tournament!
Details in the hallway downstairs - June 11 is the cutoff for entries!

And on another note - Weldon Steel competition against Rivershore is on Monday May 22 here and June 4th there - sign up downstairs - don't rush there are 4 spots available!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weldon Steele Results from the Match with Logan Lake on May 3 and 10.
Louis Faisthuber, Norm Romano, Lincoln Cadogan 
and Ken Robertson played home and away with Logan Lake.
Yes Virginia, it hailed just before we started playing in Logan Lake! 
It was 2 above and an overnight freeze of a water controller
 kept the 6th green sprinkler system going all night and it was a sheet of ice! 
They finally snow shoveled the ice off the green around 11:30 AM!

Logan Lake beat us like a rented mule!
The other three guys played good golf but we lost 7 - 5 as a team and this picture shows how Robertson finished the round!
Nuff said!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 Results from the 3-2-1 Team Play

Larry Sill and Ley MacMillan were in charge today 
- 50 golfers out despite the wind and weather!

 As you can see the weather was challenging!

KP winner today was Heather Heron! 
She won a free lunch entree at Eaglewood Restaurant!

Winner of the Draw for play at another course 
- 18 holes at Chinook Cove - Lincoln Cadogan!

Winner of 3 lbs of wings from the 
 Eaglewood Restaurant was Fern Gosselin!

Deuces today were won by the usual suspects!
Don Puhach, Norm Romano, Linda Angstad, and Heather Heron!

Token of the week was won by Dapper Dave Hampton 
who managed to shoot 76 yesterday and with an 8 on a par three today? he shot a 95
 - get out there and practice Dave!

Now to the real winners!

In first place with a boom were Bill Brown, Don Puhach, Bruce White and Dwight!
They managed to shoot a 117!

They were seen later having a sort of private celebration!

Apparently good manners weren't served at their houses!?

In second place with a score of 120 (more believable almost!) was the fine team of:
Vic Feere, Maurice Bridgeman, Norm Romano, and Myles Hanke!

As you can see Vic was having a great day!

Third spot was taken with a 121 by Mark Nadler, Del Macready, 
Rick Baker and Lincoln Cadogan!
Del brings her own inimitable ways to the golf course! 
She showed us some of her earlier moves!

How can anyone beat those kinds of moves?

In 4th spot with a 124 was the sizzling? team of Ken Nevins,
 Louis Faisthuber, Jorgen Sveistrup and Heather Heron!
Now Louis may look like a deer in the headlights but they said 
Ken was just a champion on the course and 
he couldn't resist sending a shot of him in action today! Thanks Ken!

Ken believes in going all in on most performances!

In 5th spot was the very spotty team of Shirley Wicklund, 
Campbell soup, the Swiss Pastry and "I'm really going to hurt this ball this time!" Gouthro.

Shirley wasn't going to be outdone by Del so she sent in this early photo of her in her teen days!

Remember Shirley what happens on the course stays on the course!

Larry and Ley were really kind today so they made up a 6th place team finish!

Don Ozubko. Fern Gosselin and Terry Haines were in it so it was a mercy place finish!

Fern was so excited she asked Don and Terry for a real lift and so they did!
She was a real sport and sort of thanked them at the end!

Now we come to the real golfers! These groups of never wuzzes, sort of has beens and wish we had stayed in beds were disconsolately wandering around the course!
In no particular order: 
Bev McIntosh, Ken Robertson, 
John French and Art Harms were all over the course!
They played like this!

John Campbell, Henry Dennis, Charlie Molloy and Dave Hampton were also out there!
They tried disguises but it didn't work!
They weren't the only group in need of disguises though!
Mr. Question Mark, Larry Sill, Steve Walton and John (I keep my eyes closed when I putt too!) Pisarczyk were around and all over the course apparently!
They each took turns leading but should have used this guy to get away!
They would have left the rest of us on the track if they had any leadership!

Laurel Gouthro, Linda Angstad and Myrtle Cadogan 
had some old duffer named Heywood out there today 
- in a quick interview after the round 
they all agreed that Ron was somewhat like this on the course today!
Trouble with Heywood he never knows when he has it good!

Marilyn (Don't you forget my picture Newsy! ) Peterson was out with Pat Faisthuber and Terry Noftall!

 I got a candid shot when I asked the gals how helpful Terry was out there today!

It just may be that Terry thinks he's handier than he is? 
Hey remember I only report the news!

One other group sent in a picture of one of their star performers today!
Tave and Grace said that Ian sort of played like this today!

Hey remember I only report the news!

CU on the course next week at 9:00 AM!

Actually be here before 8:45 cause the score keepers need to get organized!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Results for May 2 Las Vegas Casino Best Ball Golf

Our two servers today were Joanna and Jasmina!


 Oh I thought that was their picture but here they are and they did a great job!

In first place was the sandbagging crew of Dana, Heather, Louis and Mark.
 Heather knows how to handle these guys!

In Second Place was the fine team of:
Karen, Ian, Ron and Tave!

Karen and Tave had some odd moments on the course today!

In third Spot was crew of Bev, Ferne, Don and Paul.
Pooch had his moments today!

Fourth place was taken by 
Richard, Bruce, Rick and Maurice. Aberdeen is showing up!
They were rather nonchalant about their magnificent placing!
In an awesome showing Del and Lorraine managed to pull John and Angus through to 5th spit!
It's amazing the tricks these gals were up to!
Give the girls enough time and things really fly!
Tied for 7th spot was the ?magnificent?
 no-  the god awful teams of:

Dwight, Rita, Paul and Erwin. Rita was really proud of her work today and she showed her stuff!
You go girl!
Moping around and picking up any loose change was the foursome of Myles, Ken, Bob and John.
Myles was always willing to lend a large helping hand to Robertson - Thanks big guy!
There were a number of other groups out on the course today!
They would probably want to remain anonymous 
but public humiliation and embarassment being our main focus here 
these hasbeens, neverwuzes and 
Oops I thought this was a croquet match type of groups! 
Sort of played through the day!
 Audrey, Ben, Pat, and Steve sort of thrashed around 
- as you can see!
 Laurel was out on the course performing - as you can see!
Barry and Bill were amazed but Gerry was sort of Ho Hum I'm used to that kind of performance!

Don, Don, Grace and Art 
dazzled someone somewhere today! 
They said Grace was amazing 
and we managed to catch her at one point!
Truly amazing performance Grace! But does Bill know?

But wait there's more!
Myrtle, Lincoln, Ken and Shirley were out there 
performing magic as well! 
Here's a shot of Myrtle and Shirley doing their thing!
Whatever it was the golf part that escaped the team!

Also sort of being on the course was really cool to this group of neverwuzzes!
Vic, Ley, Les, and Ron sort of coasted around in neutral and drank happily cause they had to celebrate something!
Ley was happy to help Vic on the course!

And finally the big three came in all smiles and chuckles cause what they heck they knew from the start they couldn't win so they came up smiling!
I guess they were secure in the knowledge that if it was good for you then it was good for them too!
Thanks Dave and Al - don't know how Terry got in there!

On a happier note, Rita Valkama 
(she's Finnish don't you Suomi!) 
won the token of the week! 
Go hit the ball Rita!

There were 51 out today - great to see you all! 
Remember if I don't have your name right then you don't either so correct me if I'm wrong somewhere - 
(is that possible? moi? never!)

These players went home happy with $10 gift cards from Cora's Restaurant up the hill.
Laurel Gouthro,
Vic Feere,
Lorraine Zimmer.

These two players won $20 gift certificates from the Eaglewood Restaurant right here!
Myles Hanke,
Dwight Oatway, 
Erwin Nyfeler

And Ron Watson won the 9 hole pass to Mount Paul!
Good luck tomorrow for the Weldon Steele team playing here against Logan Lake!