Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29 Aching Ass Scramble

8:30 AM is our starting time!
Please register by 8:15 AM~

So it was out with the big hitters today!

First this was a scramble with best ball - everyone had to hit
4 drives and 3somes had to hit 5 -
Best ball to the cup from there!
Then we played from the Red Tees, White Tees and Black Tees in rotation from Number 1 Tee!

Sort like how this lady was riding!

Request from the Pro Shop - please consolidate carts 
so that a foursome only has 2 power carts maximum
 - don't ride alone 
- the course doesn't need more carts running everywhere! 

Door Prizes this week -

Ben Nielsen scored a round of golf at Osoyoos!
Audrey Nielsen won a sleeve of balls!

Donna Vath won $25 Gift Certificate!
Jack Angstadt won free food in the clubhouse!
Bob Peace won a round of golf at Rivershore!
Marc Guertin won a sleeve of balls!

67 out today - a new record for attendance!

No pictures taken of groups today - can't find my camera!

The major winners today were:

In First Place by a stroke at 49 Net was the sort of awesome team of  
Myrtle Cadogan, Dave Bacon, Dave Zimmer and Tave Dandy!  
Even though they played like this guy on the skateboard!
 In Second spot was the awesome team of 
Jorgen Sveistrup, Ken Robertson and Brian Dennis! 
They shot 50!
They were sort of good but had their moments as you can see!

 Third Place was awarded to Carol Fitzmaurice, Dennis Fitzmaurice, 
Sandra and Frank Bava!  They netted 50.3! Take a bow!

Hey we got to break these couples up 
- this here Seniors group was built on playing with a different group 
each week and lunching together afterwards
- couples please split up for the day!

 Or we'll send the Green Guys after you!

In Fourth Place this week was the group of 
Ron Watson, Carol Pearce, Paul Sharp and Norm Romano!
 They made their penguins fall perfectly!

 Crashing into Fifth spot was the ever popular team of Art Harms, 
Les Swaine, Jack Mathews and Sylvia Gobbi 
- Sylvia wasn't driving apparently!

 Flying into Sixth Spot today was this fine performance by 
 Ley McMillan, Ludwig Faisthuber, Myles Hanke and Dwight Oatway!

 Myles really loves to get into the action!

 Seventh Spot this week was taken by John Dumont, 
Shakey Walton, Don Ingram and Angus Gouthro!  
Dumont was doing back flips he was so happy!

 Nice touchdown John!

The TieMeister showed up again this week and we had three teams tied for Tenth Spot!

Paul Hindle, Marsha Blundell, Rick Baker and Ken Gorilla were one of them!

Also sort of shambling around the course was the group of Heather Bird, Dana Skoberg, Bruce Betker and Bill Brown!

As well this group managed to fudge their way into the big money in Tenth - Shirley Wiklund,
Ed Blundell, Phil Walls and Grace Brown!

As you can see they all  had a rough ride today!

Now out on the course just seeing how nice a day it was were these groups!

In no particular order of merit cause obviously they had none were the following:

Al Jakel, Jerry Campbell, Linda Angstadt, and John St. Louis!

Marilyn Peterson, Bev McIntosh, Gene Mehr and Terry Haines!

Bob Peace, Flavio Facchin, Brian Rattray, and Lincoln Cadogan!

Marc Guertin, Lorraine Zimmer, Jack Angstadt and Audrey Faulkner!

Don Puhach,  Arlene Sahlstrom, Audrey and Ben Nielsen!

Last and least was the group of Mark Nadler, Dorothy Pickering, Charles Molloy and Pat Faisthuber!

Of course they all claimed that this is what happened to them on the course!

Remember to speed up play -  put your clubs in the cart at the next hole!

Ready Golf - first ready hits off! 
Ready Putting 
- if you are ready go ahead and putt 
and if you are close finish the shot off! 

Keep in touch with the group in front!

Thanks to Ley McMillan, Al Jakel and behind the scenes to Dave Hay for organizing, collecting the money, figuring out the scorecards and prizes and distributing the goodies!
Larry Sill is lollygagging on a canal boat tour and bicycling from Holland to Paris!

Good work Gentlemen!

Weldon Steele Results from Revelstoke March Play last week here at Eaglepoint!
Al Jakel and John French took both ends and had three points - John Dumont and Ken Robertson managed to take one point and so we ended up down 7 - 5 to Revelstoke!

Weldon Steele  results from this past Monday at Rivershore!
Marc Guertin and Ken Robertson played 
Jekyll and Hyde and lost both front and back nine - Robertson hot on the front and Nyaah! on the back and Marc the reverse! No points!

Peter Frew and Norm Romano took one point 
(they were shut down by an awesome 74!) so we get the rematch here on June 6th!  

Sort of how we felt too! 

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