Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012 Results of the 1-2-3 Low net Team Ball

Douche bags to-day were John Campbell, Audrey Faulkner, 
and Fred Marsh!
 (Louis Faisthuber said he got a net douche 
but what does he know?)
Audrey at least was happy for her deuce!

There were 51 seasoned golfers out today - where were you?

Logan Lake has announced that they won't be able to play there on May 3
 (6 feet of snow on course!) and so they will play here - sign up downstairs
 - only one idiot (sorry about that!) has signed up so far!

Token of the week was won again by Louis Faisthuber
 - both he and Pat agreed that he can't get it up any longer!
So he needs more practice on the range! 
Oh his drives are what he can't get up!? Sorry Louis!

Now to the weiners of the week - In 5th spot with a very spotty round were John Dumont, Terry Noftall, Audrey Fishkiller and Lincoln Cadogan.

The boys held up their prize but Audrey refused to be in the picture!

In fourth spot was the fearless foursome of 
Doug Rutledge, Vic Feere, John Campbell, and Tave Dandy.
As you can tell Tave always puts up a good front!

Tied for 2nd were the two teams of:
Brian Motorhead, Ferne Gosselin, Les (Leaks Are Us!) Ekstrom, 
and Norm 
(Yes I am Retired and yes I did sign up for Logan Lake!) Romano.

 They sort of played like this today!

Tied for second with them were the Scintillating and Dazzling team of
Rob (Mr. Cool to you and don't you forget it Newsy!) Egan,
 Dana (Phoenix is my second home!) Skoberg,
 Doug ( I've got one hand in my Pocket and one in yours too!) Pockett, and
Angus ( I'm going to hit that dimplefaced #$#$%%%% real far this time!) Gouthro.

They really enjoyed their "Hot" round!

Now for the truly reprehensible and almost disgusting team of 
Ken (Anyone need a sandbag?) Robertson,
 Laurel (Oops I almost said an Angusism!) Gouthro,
Paul ( I got two pars and three bogeys today!) Hindle,
And Barry ( Yes I hit them out of sight on most occasions!) Gray.

They won the big one with a net score of 127 thanks to Robertson's perfect scoring system!
(Let's see what would Dumont take on this hole - oh well I beat him occasionally so I should have got one better than him No?)
$70 smackers was their just and nigh illegal take today! Thanks folks!
Money can't always buy you love but it does buy happiness!

Other folks were out on the course and I managed to snag these people!
Don Ozubko, Peter Hasbon, Richard Zorn 
and Gerry Tresiera.
As anyone can see Ozubko was at work on the course!

Shirley Wicklund, Jorgen Sveistrup, Barry Hill and Erwin Nyfeler were out there too!
At least Shirley gave this group some class!
Thanks to Ley MacMillan, Al (Mad Dog) Jakel, Dave Hay and the wandering school bus driver Larry Sill we were once more treated to a great day of golf with the wind, sunshine, hail, rain and obscenities thrown in for free! Thanks Guys!
This was sort of the day they had us playing golf in today!

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