Friday, September 27, 2013

September 25, Las Vegas results.

OK - you know the drill - 39 old timer or seasoned or unbalanced
golfers were out on the course and cheering or cursing depending on whether or not
they rolled the right number or the 5 or 6 or curses of curses the number of
the golfer who managed to shank his/her drive into the rough or off a tree
or into the pond etc.

The weather was awesome - cool to begin with but Ken Rollier and Ken Robertson
(who is one year younger than that 71 year old coot!)
 both wore their shorts and were jeered at by those lesser mortals
who by 11:00 AM were doffing their winter coats and wondering
why they were not intelligent enough to wear their shorts
like the two smartest golfers on the course
 - go figure!

As you can see Rollier was entirely comfortable in his shorts
(OK I photoshopped on his jeans!)

Seniors will continue as long as it is reasonably warm enough!
9:00AM till further notice and possible frost delays

Big thank you to our organizers
 - Mad Dog Jakel,
 You know your money is safe in his hands - look at those gangsta signs!

 Crash and Burn Hay,

Apparently he was yelling something like Yippee Kai Yai or words to that effect at this point!

Mathematically Challenged McMillan
Always has the  angles, forces and masses worked out!

and Gotta Drive the Bus Sill!
 Larry always makes a clean getaway!

So the scoop on today's winners!

Ian Campbell managed to win the Entree at Eaglewood Restaurant!
Rob Egan won a blue hat!
Barry Gray won a bottle of tees!
Dana Skoberg won a Taylor Made Hat!
Jack Angstad won a sleeve of Pro V's!
Tave Dandy won a Taylor Made Hat!
 Les Ekstrom won a Plumber's Hat!
Barry Salonen won a white hat! (He' s a good guy?)
Anita Bilkey won a grey hat!
Senior Token of the week was won by Jerry Campbell for general incompetence and indifference!

Real winners were the following:
 First place with an unbelievable score of 48.25 was the team of Ian?, Shakey Walton, Bev McIntosh, and Ludwig Faisthuiber!
 Louie of course is used to rolling in the money! 
Here he is a couple of years ago after skinning his buddies on the course!

 Second cause they rode in on the back of the Mean Old Cop was the team of Keith Larson, Linda Angstad and Lincoln Cadogan with a score of Net 50!
 As you can see the Mean Old Cop was swinging with his usual aplomb and finesse today!

 3rd today but the only real honest golfers on the course was the team of Lorraine Zimmerama, Ken Robertson, Marc Guertin and Dave Assmus.
Lorraine was so hot today the guys needed to cool her off!

4th today was Vic Feere, Marilyn Peterson, Barry Salonen 
and the ever fast disappearing Larry Sill!
Marilyn said it was a dirty round of golf but you came through clean? Marilyn?

5th spot today was taken by Jerry Campbell, Tave Dandy, Les Ekstrom and Barry Gray.

They decided to add a fifth to their foursome and really party!

6th spot was the almost famous group of John French, Pat Faisthuber, Killer Romano and Jack Mathews.

As you can see Romano has no problem unloading his less than competent team mates!

IN 7th or what is know euphemistically for the epistemologically challenged Last place was the team of Ley McMillan, Terry Noftall, Ian Campbell and Sylvia Gobbi.
 Like a number of the other teams today they added a fifth person to the team but wouldn't give me his name! I believe he is on the right but he could be on the left? You be the judge!
These other three groups were out and about and contributed money but no glory to the day's golfing.

 Anita Bilkey, Flavio Facchin, Jim McCormack and that old dude Ken Rollier were out and about!

 Anita observed that it was a wild ride today - Rollier was in fine form!

 Freddie Freeloader, Dana Skoberg and old Steroids R Us were out and about but apparently rolled the dice something like they drove this car!

 Rob Egan, Jack Angstad, and Dave Hay were similarly challenged today!
 Their sense of team work left a lot to be desired!
This may wrap up the blog for this year as this writer is off 
to visit grandchildren in Summerland and Edmonton 
so trust this finds everyone in good spirits and fine grog!

May the winds of winter blow you to a soft warm spot 
and CU on the course before we CU under it!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday September 18

Results from 3 - 2 - 1 Net Score golfing.

There were 40 rightful golfers out today 

- Seniors will continue till it gets too cold or wet!

9:00 AM on Wednesdays and delays if it is cold or frosty!

Token of the week went to Norm Romano in absentia!

Norm almost eliminated one of our course hazards!

Well he hit her by accident or at least that's his story and he is sticking to it!

This is what happens when a golf ball hits your bicep!

Shirley Wiklund was innocently? standing at the women's tee block
 when Norm unloaded on her - 

Shocking fact though is Norm also unloaded on this poor devil - he couldn't remember his name so I can't tell you who it is but you would know him if you see him! 

Stay out of harms (I mean Norm's) way!

On that happy note we move on to the lighter 
and happier things about golf at Eaglepoint!

Door prizes were handed out liberally today - hats were won by 
Bev McIntosh, Don Puhach, Lorraine Zimmer, Sylvia Gobbi.

Bill Brown escaped the kitchen again 
and won an Eaglepoint restaurant entree!

Terry Noftall won a sleeve of balls and a golf pass to somewhere? 
Where - sorry can't remember!

KP for men was won by Vic Feere and the Ladies winner was ? 
Huh mind's gone blank - someone won it! Fess up ladies!

Long putt was won this week by Ken Rollier 
- I've seen him putt and this must have been a miracle shot!

Deuces were won by John Campbell, Ley McMillan, Les Swaine, and Jerry Campbell.

 Big weiners was the foursome of Dave Sweet Swing, 
Barry Bonds (cause he's got to be on steroids to swing like that!), 
Tave Dandy and John Metcalfe.
 As you can see Tave always keeps her group in fine form! 
Nice form guys!

 Second spot was the group of John French, Bev McIntosh, 
the fisherman and the bluebird of happiness.
 Apparently their golfing was just like Dumont's fishing!

 Third spot was the duo of Marilyn Peterson and Pooch - their other golfers were so disappointed at their finish they went home.

 Pooch and Marilyn said no problem and cut a few steps on the dance floor! 
Nice hair Don!

 Fourth but first in our hearts was the team of your friendly and honest reporter, 
Grace who was happy she didn't have to cook Bill's steak again tonight,
our jovial MC and Ken Rollier
 - by the way if you find any balls with KR on them
 please give them to Ken he needs balls! HE HE HE 
( I can get away with this cause he can't read stuff on the internet!)
 4th place was such a hoot we really celebrated 
and at least one of us got transgendered!
 Fifth where they really belong anyway was 
the foursome of Hindle, Noftall, Sharpe, and Feere.
 I mean these guys practice like this all day and it doesn't help their game!

 Moving right along and way down to 6th was the team of Mad Dog, 
Zimmerarama, and Guertin.

 Bev said it was a real zany game of golf - nice tackle Marc!

 Old deucepot Campbell, Shirley with the bruised arm, Brown smiling cause he escapes Grace's cooking for one night and that other douche pot Swaine were in 7th spot.

 Shirley said the guys were really hard on her today - you be the judge!

 These guys and gal were out on the course and they had photographic proof that their game was impaired (they were too probably!) Del, Ian (doesn't he look like a prof from the Hogwarts school? Huh No? Humm sorry Ian I was trying to clean up your image!) and Mark Nadler.
 Anyways they claiimed that they had some problems on the course 
and it was a bearly tolerable round of golf 
- aw sorry about that!
 I take back all the bad things I have ever said about Heather - after all she had to golf with  Frew, Zimmerama, and Flavio - but notice how well heather handles the pressure putts!

 Nice catch Flavio - Heather if it wiggles and jiggles that's something to hold on to!

 Rounding out the less capable golfing groups today was Sylvia's group of Ley, Jack and Art Arcangel.

 Sylvia said two of the guys were outlandish and apparently all wet and all Jack could do was practice his pole dancing moves!

Nice tush Jack! (that's what you told me to say when I see you pole dancing no?!)

Any errors and or omissions or outright lies are greatly appreciated 
- CU next week bright and early and ready to rock the house down!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12 Bluebird pictures from Don Ingram AKA Fingers!

Don Ingram was busy this past winter and spring making bluebird boxes 
which he set up around the golf course 
and here are some snaps of his progeny!

You didn't realize Don had a kind and sensitive side to him? 

He HE HE neither did we!

This is a mountain bluebird.

These are baby bluebirds.

 This is not a crow, magpie or owl!

These were what the bluebirds put in the nest!
Don was new to ornithological ventures so he wasn't sure!

Don was very surprised one day when he found these dang things 
had removed the eggs he thought were in there!

Don said he was surprised how good the parents were in bringing all the insects 
to the new little hatchlings - he thought they foraged for themselves apparently 
- it was a steep learning curve for Don!

This is the male bird just landing on the nest opening.
Don said it was kinky at first figuring out which was the male 
and which was the female but he got really good with his handheld magnifying glass!

More insects for the little rascals!

A great shot of the valley but somehow he got it out of focus!

Thanks for these great bluebird pictures Don!
Our golf course is a better place with you on it 
- actually you are usually all over it! 
He! He! He!