Friday, August 23, 2013

August 21 Las Vegas Golf

We had 44 seasoned players out today.

The organizers apologized as there was some late arrivals and adjustments
and Del Macready and Linc Cadogan were left out of the play
- through no fault of theirs!

Stuff happens however this does highlight the need to be in the clubhouse

by 8:15 AM

so that we can be sure to have everyone with the right group
before heading out to your teeboxes


You know the drill - hit your tee shots and then roll the die
and find out if that shanked sucker into the weeds is going to be the spot
all four of you have to play from!

You add up your handicaps and divide by four and subtract it
from your team gross scramble score and away you go !

A number of our members were seen on their knees praying for 5's and 6's today!

Token of the week went to Shirley Wiklund cause she really do need to practice!

Heather Heron (who told this here newsy that I was really starting to P her off?!!!)
Shocking behaviour from who is so old too! He He HE
Anyway Heather won the awesome Eaglepoint golf hat!
Thanks to the Pro Shop!

First place and happy though Guertin looks like someone drove over his dog! Was the team of John French, Larry Sill, Marilyn Peterson and Marc Guertin.

The boys felt that it was worth flipping Marilyn for!
Nice glutes Marilyn!
He He He
(I so get pleasure out of this job!)

In Second spot as usual? was the team of Old What's her face? Wiklund,
Ken White, Artful Dodger and Rick Baker.

Shirley as usual was up to the challenge and said hey guys let's outdo Marilyn!
Two of the guys were up to the challenge - go figure!

Third spot was taken by Gary Barber, Brenda White, the Herring Choker and old socks and sandals Sharpe.

The guys were really into the game but Brenda was a little more nonchalant!

4th spot was taken by Gerry Tresiera, John Pizarczyk, and Mark Nadler.
These guys were really dashing on the course and moved so fast that I couldn't get a picture -however from my reckoning Tresiera was dead last till the end and by the looks of it John was going to overtake him at the end!

 Freddie Freeloader, Fingers Ingram, Linda Anxiety and Rick Boulton managed to scramble in to 5th place despite carrying Boulton all the way!

Linda got cleaned up after and said it was quite a challenge out there today
- nice hair Linda!

6th place was taken by Bev McIntosh, Terry Haines, 
John St. Louis, and Ley McMillan.

Haines had his mouth full of hamburger but afterwards he said he had a little clip to show of his prowess on the field and thanks for sharing this!
Nice round-off Terry!

Scraping in Seventh (we pay out deep in Seniors Golf!) was this forgettable foursome of Mad Dog, Jack Anxiety, Bruce the Big BAD Bear, and Tave Dandy!

Tave said, " hey newsy - you had the wrong name on that clip you published a few editions ago - this is me just the other week helping the guys out down at the beach!
Please correct the impression that I, Tave Dandy, do not dare to be bare at the beach
and I handle balls really well as all the guys attest to!"

This is a very quotable clip Tave and I stand corrected!

Getting in on the game but winning nothing again was the team of Bob Peace, Eugene Mehr, Doug Rutledge, and Donna Futurama.

They said it was a fun game but Bob got a little testy when he got in a little trouble!
You can see why! was it the cold water Bob?

Also on the course  but mostly off it was the team of Charley Molloy and Myrtle Cadogan.

 Myrtle also had a shot to show off her past performances!
Man these gals will go to any length to top each other!

Del Macready and Linc Cadogan were on the course but got abandoned by the gang - sorry about that!

Del said, "Ken this is what it is like to play for nothing on the course!"

One dang thing after another!

Also on the course today was the foursome - one left before lunch
- and being a senior I can't remember who
- was the fine group of Fern Gosselin, Ken Robertson and Ken Rollier
Oh and by the way if you find a ball with the intials KR on it
please turn it in to Ken Rollier as he needs balls!
Fern said it was sort of like this all day long!

 Ruth Futurama and Dave Hampton golfed but Ruth said the best part was the water cooler breaks!

Dave, ever being the gentleman helped Ruth's thirst on the course!
 Nice pouring Dave!

Finally cause there was no other place to put them was this trio of Vic No Feere, Heather Buzzard and Ron Litigator.

 Heather said there were some real challenges on the course but like Marilyn I say nice Glutes Heather!

I don't know how I make it out alive on the course most days! He HE HE!

Senior Men's 2 Ball Tournament next week on the 28th so the next Senior's Golf will be
September the 4th - hope to see you there before we see you under the turf!

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