Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10 Nets or Nuts Golf

Fifty-two out today!

Weldon Steele - played here last week and split the points with Kamloops!

Play at Kamloops this week and hope to take all the points!

Logan Lake Seniors this Friday - good luck to our entrants!

Long Putt Winner on hole 12 was Rick Baker!

KP on 12 was Norm Romano!

As you can see Norm likes to get his ball close to the hole!

Deuces today were plenty!

Del Macready, Rick Bolten, Linda Angstadt, and the Vanishing Point!

Winner of the meal this week was Wayne Kobyashi.

Winner of the $25 Gift Certificate was Bob Peace.

Senior Token of the week was given to the fast aging Brett Martin! 

Brett was in winning form on and off the course as you can see!

Thanks for coming out and joining in the fun Brett!

A gentle reminder from Brett and the Pro Shop 

- please use only two carts per foursome!

The hot weather and cart traffic kills the grass 
especially the sidelines 
- keep the carts on the fairways
 and well away from the greens pretty please!

 Brett was out showing us how not to ride the carts!

A hat and visor with a Calgary Flames clip was lost last week 

- please turn it in if you find it!

Donations to the Men's 2 Ball best ball tourney on August 28 
are gratefully accepted 
- thanks to Angus Gouthro for bringing in a wheelbarrow load today!

Now to the winners? of today's confused net scoring 
- like if it was par 3 you used one net score and if it was a par 4 
you used two net scores and on the par 5's you used either 3 
or 4 net scores depending on the handicap score of the hole! 
Go figure - but it was really really really fun!

 Yeah that much fun!

 In First Place despite their incomptence stumbled this group of Norm Whiffle, Al Mad Dog, Mark and Old what's her face! They some how managed to win and that shows you the general calibre of play hereabouts - 
 Norm was talking with his dear wife the other night and sent along this typical exchange!
Thanks Norm - you are our kind of husband!

 In second place was the fine trio of Gerry Treseira, Tave Dandy and Corvette Bob. They allowed Doug Rutledge to join them cause none of his group would join him - shows how generous and considerate we are as a group! Tave said that actually she thought they played like the following group!

 C what I mean!

 Third place was taken by Rick, Paul, Jack and Linda.

 Linda said this was what the golf was like today though!

 Fourth place was the team of Marc Guertin, Marianne, Terry Haines and the MOC.

 The guys really had Marianne doing trick shots today!

 The team of Mr. Cool, Bev, Ed and Dave were in fifth place - despite the desperate practicing that Dave Bacon puts in on his home turf!

 I mean when Dave plays around at home he really does!

 Sixth place finishers were the team of Rick, Don, Marsha and Bruce - we got a shot of Don Ingram in his really fine form days he's third from the right in this photo! Nice going Donnie!

 You'll also see that he had hair in those days as well! 
He He He!

 We awarded this clunky (except for Laurel!) foursome 
7th place simply 
because the main man at the pro shop 
insisted on adding 38 years to his age 
so he could qualify as a senior!
Wayne Kobyashi, Brett (Mountain) Martin, the ever Divine Laurel and old Gouthro!

 Laurel got a shot of Brett out on the course  and he was awesome! So was she - man women can sure change their hair colour in a hurry - nice form Laurel!

Stumbling around the course as usual was this foursome of Dave (Rider) Hay, Don Pooch, John Dumont and Sylvia Gobbi.
 Dave was up to his usual fine form on the course today - apparently he didn't injure himself too badly on this shot!

 The strong arm of the law is in evidence in this foursome of Jack Angst, Heather (she is shouting in agony cause a mean old cop UKNOW WHO just grabbed her leg to make her smile!),  Myles the good Mountie, and Ken.

 Just to show you that not all ex Mounties are mean we got a shot of Myles when he was in training - nice posture Myles!

 Another foursome that sort of wandered out and around and all over the course without much effect was this group of Ken (Shades) Rollier, Barry and Louie putting the squeeze on any good looking babe he can get his meat hooks on which happened to be Del Macready today!
 We were sent in this picture of Louie when he was a youngster and quite decent apparently - how times change! Now he uses a walker on the course!

 Peter Frew, Pat Faisthuber, Charley Molloy and Flavio Facchin were out and about today as well. Pat sent me in a shot of a typical day at her house - Louie keeps practicing no matter what!
 Louie of course insists that he do all the housework at his house apparently - NO???

 John French, Freddie Freeloader and Sandra and Frank Bava also graced the course today - funny but Sandra says that mostly when she looked the guys were sort of finding this kind of form after their shots!
 Nice form guys!

 Now just to prove that golf is mostly a downhill slide we have this foursome of Shakey Walton, Gerry Campbell, Marilyn Peterson and Ley McMillan - Marilyn was in fine form today and the guys sent in the following picture to prove that Marilyn takes the downhill slide of golf really easy! Nice form Marilyn!

 CU next week at 8:00 AM or so ready to face whatever challenges the Golf Gods decide they are going to inflict on us this time!

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