Monday, March 22, 2010

A Joke to start the Year!

Correct Pythagorean Theorem
Two Indian Chiefs are consoling each other about
their unmarried Daughters.
The first Chief says:
"I cannot find wives for my two daughters,
who are sitting over there -
one on a bear skin and the other on a buffalo skin."
The second Chief replies:
"I have the same problem!
No one will married my daughter,
she is sitting over here on a hippopotamus skin."
The first Chief asks
"Why don't we trade daughters,
then they may find husbands in their new tribe?"
The second chief enthusiastically agrees
.Which goes to prove that....
.The squaw on the Hippopotamus Hide is equal to the sum
of the squaws on the Other Two Hides

The golfing world is celebrating a new invention
that promises to revolutionize the sport
. The new device is called the "bee nut."
It is a fastening attachment that allows players to adjust the
heads on their clubs to any angle
, thus saving the need to carry a bagful of clubs.
Thus, for example,
players can use the same club to putt as they used to get out of the sand trap.
Golf clubs with this modification are selling quickly,
and players everywhere are taking golfing picnics,
so they can try their new......"bee-nut putter sand-wedge."

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