Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 12 Bluebird pictures from Don Ingram AKA Fingers!

Don Ingram was busy this past winter and spring making bluebird boxes 
which he set up around the golf course 
and here are some snaps of his progeny!

You didn't realize Don had a kind and sensitive side to him? 

He HE HE neither did we!

This is a mountain bluebird.

These are baby bluebirds.

 This is not a crow, magpie or owl!

These were what the bluebirds put in the nest!
Don was new to ornithological ventures so he wasn't sure!

Don was very surprised one day when he found these dang things 
had removed the eggs he thought were in there!

Don said he was surprised how good the parents were in bringing all the insects 
to the new little hatchlings - he thought they foraged for themselves apparently 
- it was a steep learning curve for Don!

This is the male bird just landing on the nest opening.
Don said it was kinky at first figuring out which was the male 
and which was the female but he got really good with his handheld magnifying glass!

More insects for the little rascals!

A great shot of the valley but somehow he got it out of focus!

Thanks for these great bluebird pictures Don!
Our golf course is a better place with you on it 
- actually you are usually all over it! 
He! He! He!

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