Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12 Results

Forty-two players were out today 
- a cool start but it warmed up nicely!

Deuces or Douchebags whatever today were:
Bruce Graves, Fred Hamarlund, and Myrtle Cadogan!
I mean how come all this money for a simple plunge in the water?

Door prizes today were: 
Gerry Tresiera and Paul Sharp received Eaglewood Restaurant entrees!

Latin lover, Flavio Facchin took home an 18 hole pass to Talking Rock!

Domino Pizzas were won by Doug Rutledge,
Marilyn Peterson (Marv will be happy!),
Fred Hamarlund, Don Puhach and Lorraine Zimmer!

 First place in the 1-2-3 Net Format today were 
Bruce Betker, Ken Rollier, and Don Puhach!
Here's a good shot of Rollier in action today!

 Second place was taken by the fine? team of Old what's his face, 
Norm newly-wed, Audrey money bags, and Paul Four Letter Friend Getter Sharp!

 As you can see Audrey was too busy counting her money to pay attention.

In Third place was the "fine?" team of Bruce Graves, 
Mark Nadler, and Lincoln Cadogan.
Bruce had to head home early but apparently 
they ruled the woods and rough today - as you can see!
 Tied for 3rd was the trio of Al (Mad Dog) Jakel, 
Dave ( Yes I am happy organizing this mess do you want to do it?!!!) Hay 
and the Danish pastry Jorgen Sveistrup. 
Apparently Jorgen carried the team today!
 Personally I always thought they sort of golfed like this well known trio!

 In 5th spot today was the team of Heather Heron, Dave Hampton, 
Les Swaine and  Gerry Tresiera.
Swaine was in fine form and even sent in a short video 
of  his performance today! Thanks Les?!
I think! 
The boys at Golfland probably understand your technique!

 6th Spot was awarded on a technicality to Fred Marsh,
 Brian Whitehead, Lorraine Zimmer and Laurel Gouthro.
 Fred was too embarassed to stick around but not Whitehead 
- he of course had to go all uptown and do the  grip and show em routine!
 Some other teams were out here today, Angus, Vic, Lois, and Marc 
They were kind of out of the running but had fun!
 Well maybe they did?
 They looked a little strained coming into the clubhouse!

 This fine foursome were happy to eat 
- though Campbell resorted to eating Robertson's lunch! 
Flavio, Terry, Ken and Ian!

It was an all round messy round for them!

 Also scrambling around the course was the Fab Foursome 
of Fred Hamarlund, Shakey Walton, 88 Dumont 
and Marilyn Peterson. 
Marilyn of course kept the boys amused on the course 
by showing off her new parlour tricks!

 Nice move Marilyn!
 Shirley, Jack, Bruce and Ron (Old Sobersides we call him!) 
were out and about 
- as you can see Shirley doesn't like to lose 
and decided to fix the judge's car!
 All by herself!

Myrtle, Don, and Tave were also rans today 
- They dressed sharp but the results were wanting!

Hey nice deely bobbers though!

Now drum roll please 
- the Eaglepoint Wednesday Seniors' Club Championship 
is scheduled for next Wednesday!

You must have played at least 3 Wednesdays this year to qualify for entry! 
It will be a Senior Men's and Senior Women's Championship!
9:00 AM Shotgun 
Teams will be formed and random draw as usual
 but the format will allow for normal stroke play scoring
so Low Gross and Low Nets 
in the Divisions (?) will be scored!

As you can see Al Jakel has been 
busy getting ready for the big event!

Hey - this writer will be in Edmonton 
so if someone can take pictures of the throng 
and give me a run down of who did what and to whom
 and how often it would be much appreciated!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

August 29 Seniors Tourmament Results

Thanks to all the participants in the Eaglepoint Golf Club Seniors' Two Ball Best Ball Tournament!

Thanks to the Management and Staff at Eaglepoint for a great course and great hospitality!

Here are the Winners, Weiners, 
and Never Wuzzes for this year!

Overall Low Gross Winners was the well equipped team of 
Bill Gallis and Brock Waldron. 
Congratulations guys! 
Oh and by the way the watermelon helmets were a hit!

First Low Net winners were Ivan Legrandeur and John Hunt! 
Nice party clothes guys!

Greg Jackson and Mike Moore were 2nd Low Gross 
and they didn't take losing First place lightly!

As you can see they are getting pumped for next year's contest already!

Mike Weghr and Don Cominetti took 2nd Low Net 
- not sure who was holding the sign up 
on their fly-by victory flight!
Two heavyweights from Eaglepoint took 3rd Low Gross! 
Randy Durante and Dave Barker!

Losing didn't come easily to Dave or Randy 
and dang the bottle got empty quickly!

3rd Low Net went to Lincoln Cadogan 
and Charley Molloy of Eaglepoint! 

Great victory pose you two!

4th Low Gross went to Bill Bowling and Ken Gorsline!
 They actually seemed spellbound by their win!

4th Low Net went to Jim Shippit and Brian Popp.
 Looks like they got tanned out there today!

 Ken and strangling him today was Vic Feere!
You know the former members of the Force have to show their physical aspect!
Hey - ossifer I will cooperate!

John Bishop and Larry Lestander took 5th Low Gross
I, myself, thought their turnout gear was great 
but had trouble figuring out who was who!

Keith Russell and Rob Huget were out 
driving around and took 6th Low Gross
Amazing tricks they pulled off today on the course!

John Thompson and Vic Benard were out 
and about and managed to scramble in 6th Low Net.

As usual, Benard let Thompson do the driving!

7th Low Net was taken by Club Captain 
at Eaglepoint and his putting partner.
 Rick Boulton and Clarence Schuh.
Apparently finishing 7th wasn't a good thing so they kind of went incognito!

Roy Chou and Grant Preston took 7th Low Net and had a great time!

Apparently hanging loose with the bros at the after party was important!
Though somehow Chou managed to change ethnic persuasion for the after party?!
 Goatee though Roy!
8th Low Gross was taken by 
Mark (I've got the money honey!) Bodlack 
and the other Horseman on the course Ian Jacques!
Give an ex-Horseman his choice 
and he always goes for the guns though!
Nice kneepads Mark!

8th Low Net was taken by the sad sacks 
Ken Robertson and Rick Baker!

Robertson had to give a big yell of relief cause he carried Baker the whole bloody day!
He He He

Barry Patterson and 
Dennis (Where's the money!??) Fitzmaurice 
won 9th Low Net.
If I was Dennis I'd be pumped with the easy $700 win 
at the last men's night too!
John Pizarcyk and Steve Walton barely managed to hold on to 10th Low Net.

I managed to get a shot of them early in the round when Walton had more hair!

 Art Harms, Dwight Oatway, who knows, Myles Hankey (Dang another ex-Horseman!) and Ken White (Hi I'm your friendly bank manager and I'm just here to help!)
were all out for the good times! 
Cause that's all they got!

 Bobby D, Keith Larsen, Ken  (don't give me that two finger salute!) Vic Feere, and some other old reprobates were gathered around the food trough!
 Brian Whitehead, Clarence Schuh, Ken Maczuga, Dave Erwin, Rick Boulton and some other old guys were reminiscing about the shots that got away!

 Don Puhach 
(Arlene's lesser half though looking 
at him that's hard to believe) 
and Jorgen Sveistrup were out on the deck! 
Losing is easier when you're sitting down?
He He He

 Mike Weghr, Don Cominetti, 
Lincoln Cadogan (Hot round Linc!), 
Charley (He gets dragged around by most of the guys he golfs with for God's sake!) Molloy, 
Doug Pockett, John French and Doug Rutledge 
decided that drinking was the order of the day!
 Earl Sinclair and buddies were enjoyiing some barley sandwiches on the deck!
 Flavio Facchin, Gerry campbell, Gerry Tresiera, Marc Guertin, Rick Baker and Fred Hamarlund were waiting for their meal and enjoying the afternoon 
- thank God that's over said Tresiera!

 Greg Jackson, Mike Moore, Bill Bowling
 and Ken Gorsline 
enjoyed Mike's balancing act 
on the deck!
 Aliens from Sun Rivers were here too - 
Brock Waldron and Bill Gallis along with 
Jerry Quigley and Dr. Larry Webster 
made their appearance 
- well at least two of them at the table could golf!
 Ludwig Faisthuber was complaining about not winning 
- yes he was complaining 
cause I heard him for the first time ever!  
Mark Bodlack was able to snaffle the $50 bill
 and gave Ian an IOU. 
John Bishop and Larry Lestander 
were both amused and amazed 
to see Norm Romano's smiling face 
cause he too finished out of the money 
- probably he just got lucky? Newly wed you know!

Steve Walton was wondering how he was going to pay for the round
 when he had only won 10th Low net! 
The waitress was not amused!
 Some of the chief organizers, treasurers, bookkeepers, 
and general odds bods were in the backroom keeping everything organized! 
Al Jakel, Arlene Sahlstrom,and Dave Hay were at the computer 
and checking the books and making out the prize monies! 
Thanks gang!

 Earlier they were out at the check-in table making sure everybody
 was entered and got their score cards
 - Thanks for all the work you people did for the rest of us!
 Betty Hay and Brenda Sill were there to take your 50/50 money and Deuce Pots! 
Thanks Ladies for your work and volunteering?!

The Big Guy and chief spokesman for 
Eaglepoint Seniors' Golf 
was there to make sure everyone did their job 
and got it done!
 Larry Sill, Arlene and Dave were kept busy right to the end!
It was a great day and again 
a big THANK YOU to Ley MacMillan, 
and any of the others who I may have missed
 - the Tournament was a great success 
and you guys and gals did it! 

Take a bow! Thanks - we all needed that!