Monday, July 29, 2013

July 24 Two Low Net Results

The game today was 2 low nets! 

The scores that beat my team's score were scarcely believable?! 

I mean how could they beat my team?!

There were 59 out today - not bad for middle of summer!

 - JULY 31!

In Weldon Steele competition we managed to take 6 out of 6 away at Shuswap and play them here next ! Good Luck!

Bruce Betker managed to score the KP in today's round! Lucky Dog!

Long Putt was made by Ludwig Fizzlehuber!

Door prizes this week were:

 Eric Sorenson - won the Entree at Eaglewood Restaurant

Mark Nadler won the $25 Gift Certificate thanks to the Pro Shop

Pat Faisthuber (Louie's long suffering partner!) 
was given token of the week 
cause that's why!

Douche bags this week were Al Jakel, Ken Robertson, 
Rick Baker, Marc Guertin and Tave Dandy!

 In first place tie this week was the awesome? team of Shirley Wiklund, Rick Baker, Jim MacCormack, and Fred Hamarlund.

They enjoyed the day apparently!

 Tied with them for first place was John Dumont, Del Macready, Phil Walls and Paul Hindle.

 Nice work Del!

 In Third Place was the fine team of Brenda White, Terry McGovern, Barry Gray and Marc Guertin!

 As you can see they know how to roll their balls!

 In a tie for 4th place was the team of Anita Bilkey, Jack Mathews, Bruce White and Dave Assmus.

 I managed to get a shot of Bruce as he got made up for the occasion!

 In a tie with them was the team of Louie, Art Harms, Mad Dog, and the old Nightclubber!

 They were really excited about the game today and went all out - though one of them ducked out of this picture - Who?

 In 6th Spot was the team of Ley McMillan, Rob Egan, Laurie Gray and Bruce Betker - they said this is how they pulled off the win!

 Close call as you can see!

 In Seventh spot this week was the team of Vic Feere, Ken Robertson, Shakey Walton and Nancy McGovern.
 Nancy sent along a shot of her getting ready to hit the ball! Nice work Nancy!

 This sort of encapsulates how the rest of the gang scored today!

 Dave Hay, Fingers Ingram, Denis Henri and Jerry Campbell!

 They sort of got unseated on the course today!

 Ian Campbell, Shirley Gobbi, The Ancient Viking and Audrey were out there too!

 Apparently the guys were pulling their weight but it just wasn't enough!

 Larry Sill, Marsha Blundell and Doug Rutledge also scrambled around the course.

 Marsha said it was a real scramble as you can see!

 Also out and about but mostly off the course was the group of Arlene Sahlstrom, Mark Nadler and Lincoln Cadogan.

 Mark said it was a tough round of golf and somehow I believe him!

 Paul Sharpe, Pooch, the long suffering Pat Faisthuber and Ken White were also off and around the course!

 They managed to finish happy despite losing! 

 Also appearing on and around the course was the foursome of Bob Peace, Jorgen Sveistrup, John French and Myrtle Cadogan.
 Jorgen was quite adventuresome on the course - nice Tutu Jorgie!

 Bottom feeding through no fault of her own was Tave Dandy with Barry Salonen and Eric Sorenson - they also had to play with the MOC and Tave said she had to take a stick to him on occasion!
 Tave was in hot action here on the course keeping the Gorilla in check!

 Last and somehow Anita's sign shows how the marriage is going - was the team of Marianne Nevins, Ed Blundell and the guy who fell asleep at the switch again!

Norm you have to keep focused throughout the round if you want to pull it off!

So no Senior's golf this Wednesday! Remember - 8:30 AM next Wednesday 
and try to be here by 8:15 AM - it helps!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 17

Weldon Steele competition with Kamloops
 - we won the overall 7 1/2 to 4 1/2.
Excellent play by team leader Marc Guertin! 
Take a bow!

Short announcements from Pro Shop and Course Player Assistant.

Speed of play - better and improving 
but clearing the green and getting to the next tee box 
as quickly as possible helps!

Someone unnamed drove their cart into the grasslands between 11 and 12 - please stay out of grassland areas!

Another request - please only have 2 carts per foursome! Make a decision before heading out the door 
to the tee boxes and join up with someone 
who has a cart! 

When retrieving balls from the cup please use 
an assist or your hands as using the putter head 
will damage the hole for the next group coming on! 

 (Especially you Robertson!)

Thanks from Brett and the pro shop!

 In first place cause they really know their stuff was the team of John French, Flavio Facchin, Norm and Anita Romano - here's a shot of John teeing off!
 It must be the tongue action?

 Lincoln Cadogan dragged Phil Walls, Old Dumont and Larry Sill around the course for a tie for second place - here's the team warming up - nice spikes guys!
 Somehow Sill in red high heels is revolting doncha think? 

 Also in a tie for second spot was this team 
of Tave Dandy - aka "The Splits!" 
and Harry Bicknell with Jack Mathews 
and a very junior Senior Pat Chadwick! 
Welcome Pat and Harry!
 Tave does like to show her form!
Ask her about her ethnic comments for a really good time!

 Paul Hindle was amazed that Bob Pickering 
was able to levitate Louie to new heights of fame 
and fortune? 
Well at least till the beer was poured! 
Shakey Walton wasn't so certain 
about Louie's friendly grip though!

 Louie loves a good beer spritzer!

 4th spot was taken by Bob Peace with the hair brush as a reminder of his encounter with Shirley along with Rick Baker and old Bruce White.

 We caught Shirley just getting out to go shopping and thought the old fox fur was fitting!

 Fifth spot was held down by Marc Guertin 
- sorry Captain Marc to you lesser beings!
 - Art Harms, Bruce Betker and Sandra Bava  !

Sandra really loves her wins apparently!

 This picture sums up the way the rest of the groups 
played today!

Dave Hampton, Ken Robertson, Ron Watson, 
Lorraine Zimmer and Alice Robertson in a cameo appearance but she was too busy admiring Dave 
who shot a 79 today!
 Al Jakel, Gerry Tresiera, Eugene Mehr 
and Myrtle Cadogan dragged themselves 
around the course as well!

 Dashing Vic Feere, the old nightclubber Ken Rollier, 
George Zimmer and Mark Nadler were also out 
and about - mostly out apparently!

 Charley Molloy wanted a real good picture taken 
this week so I got this one of him 
- didn't have the heart to edit him out of it though!

 Ley McMillan, Barry and Terry also struggled around the course especially on the right hand side of number 5!

 Pooch, Dave Hay, Marilyn Peterson and Dave Bacon were also there but like not really there today!

 Is a picture worth a thousand words - Egan couldn't stop crying and Rutledge laughed at adversity even when she kicked him in the pants and Linda and Paul said that the salad bar was the best thing about the day!

Molloy managed to break my camera twice today 
- Pat Faisthuber and Frank Bava were also happy 
to ride along on old Whitehead's shoulders today 
- they weren't broad enough to carry 
them into the winner's circle though!

CU on the course before we see you under it!

8:30 AM try to be here by 8:15 at the latest!